Monday, November 25, 2019
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Beat the stress during examination
Stress _ Points to Ponder
• Stress comes in all forms and is an unavoidable consequence of life. Transient feeling of anxiety and Stress is part of life for every individual.
In the course of normal development transient feeling of anxiety is experienced and usually mastered by every child and adolescent.
Anxiety may be focused around certain issues or situation.
A mild degree of anxiety and stress may be stimulating and motivating, and may help to overcome stress; but high degree of stress may be disrupting.
The idea is to function with a level of stress that is life enhancing, not life threatening.
Examinations and interviews are undoubtedly situation, which call for stress.
Every child goes through such situations and learns to cope up with stress arising out of them. They are also learnt by imitation of the parents or parent figures.
Appearing for examination : is one of very common situation, which an adolescent finds difficult of cope up with.
Right approach and right coping strategies may stimulate an adolescent to over come anxiety and maximize own performance in the examination.
Stress is the body's response to any unpleasant situation.
Anything can cause stress as long as it is perceived as unpleasant.
However, some stressful event, such as a close contest in sport, can bring out the best in people.
Common Physical reaction during exam preparations:
Muscle tension
Sleep difficulties
Repaid uneven or pounding heartbeat
Frequent urge to pass urine
Fast, shallow breathing
Chest discomfort
Change in appetite,
Constipation or diarrhea
Psychological Reaction to Stress
Feeling under pressure frustration and aggression
Feeling tense and unable to relax
Feeling mentally drained out
Fussy, gloomy or suspicious being constantly frightened or irritable
Inability to concentrate or complete the task.
Eating Healthy
Balancing food choices over time is what counts.
Breakfast provides the energy needed through an active morning
Children who skip breakfast may have trouble concentrating
Fast food supply more fat, salt & calories that good nutrition
Fast food is moderation won 't ruin a healthful diet, especially when consumed with green salads.
Replace finger chips with an apple
Add roughage to your diet - Dalia, Corn etc. will help prevent stomach discomfort and you will feel lighter.
The golden rule for food safety is to keep hot foods hot& cold foods cold.
Parents should teach good habits by example.
Good Sleep - Good Exam.
Insomnia ( The inability to fall or stay asleep) Can be caused by Stress & anxiety of Exam.
Disturbances of 'sleep- wake' cycle during exams.
If sleep struggles continue, talk them over with your doctor .
Exercise and Physical Activity
Walk or cycle 15 minutes a day at least thrice a week.
Avoid sitting cross - legged on the ground because this is bad for your knees.
Avoid being a couch potato.
Cut out junk food and control your weight.
Swim or play a sport at least twice a week.
MIND GAMES TO PLAY �.. and think about
Develop systematic problem - solving skills. How do you do that ?
Identify the stressful situation
Define it as an objective, a problem that can be solved.
Brainstorm solutions - think of all the possible options but don't evaluate them.
Anticipate the possible outcomes of each solution.
Choose a solution and act on it.
Know your concentration span, Study with breaks.
work out best time for concentration
group study for difficult subjects.
Do Not let pervious results discourage you-identify your weak areas from previous exams and work on them.
Time Management plan must be made for all subjects.
Choose a study place with minimum distractions and auto suggest to your self about your resolution.
Try to coincide study time with the time, you would be giving an exam.
In case of average achievers, master what you know and are comfortable with.
for low achievers, master the essential information first .
Prioritize the workload. Give your best concentration time to the toughest subject.
repeat your learnt work so the recall in exam is easy. Work not repeated or revised is easily forgotten.
Try to plan your revision time by drawing up a timetable. Build in time for the things you enjoy - like watching your favourite TV programme, going out with your friends, or going to play football in the park.
give yourself a few treats - pamper yourself with a long hot bath, or listen to your favourite CD for an hour after you have finished your revision.
Relax with what you know before entering the exam hall.
Do not get anxious about the result - cross that bridge when you come to it --- options await.
I hope you will be benefited...
Enjoy the exam time....
All the best. 🤗
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
💧 water
Water is very light. .
It comes from mountain 🗻 heights ..
It comes from melting glaciers
How important it is...
How friendly it is..
Even if you drink it it never complains..
Water is very much on earth
We need it right from birth...
Save water.. 💧
And conserve it...
Krishang Parikh